About us

The people behind CHiPs Europe

CHiPs Europe exists for more than 2,5 years. We changed the layout and the servers several times to get better looking and more professional.

About 2,5 years ago Mia started a little fan community on MSN. It was pretty nice but didn?t look very professional. Some members asked for a better look and Jan offered his know how and his servers. Soon there was an CHiPs Community in German language and with an own registered domain "chipsgermany.de" online.

To be more attractive for international fans we created the English Section that you find in the navigation and changed to CHiPs Europe to reach a wider public. CHiPs Europe is still under construction but we look better and more professional every month. But who are the people behind CHiPs Europe ? One alone can?t manage this big task as we all have a private life and are employed in fulltime jobs. On this place we want to introduce the staff:


Jan is server owner, webmaster and administrator all together. The look of CHiPs Europe and the technical details are his tasks. He also is the best contact for technical questions and the digitalitizing from CHiPs Episodes.



Mia takes care for the content of CHiPs Europe. She?s the best contact for questions about CHiPs episodes, actors, staff and takes care of our episode sharing service. She also holds the contact to the members and fans.



Jessy is our English and Dutch Section Administrator. She takes care of those contents and is your contact for any questions. She works very hard on both sections and is also our picture fairy and videoclip creator. We?re glad to have her with us.
